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Watercolor Blues

There is newness over at the Reasonable Desires sim.

A new build, a collection of specially priced new releases, a grand reopening party last eve and a hunt for thirteen little gift boxes with lingerie and costumes. Shown here is one of my favorite new releases,  Watery Asian Infusion. There are other colors available in this same style, but the deep teal blues definitely spoke the loudest to me.

After a couple of tries, I was part of the win for this great Chinese tattoo from Poison's Midnight board.

Unisex and with great detail, I was thrilled. So, new silky Chinese lounge wear; new beautifully detailed Chinese tattoo. Where else to photograph than China.

These poses are part of the new Clover set from Diesel Works. This gal has ATTITUDE -- and rightly so. The pose set comes with a snazzy new-to-me small footprint pose stand with lots of amenities like 180 turn built in.

Click on any small photo for a high rez version.

I am not a pose stand user myself, but I know that many of you are.  With lots of options like show / hide, text and timer -- life gets simpler.

My hair is an old favorite from Magika, back when there were camping chairs that you actually had to fight for *wink*. Ah, the old days. It is fun to remember.

It felt odd to take photos without shadows this morning, but China is both inside a bubble and was also acting very oddly. So my shadow viewer didn't work at all. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow. Today was one of those times. 
Style Notes: 

Hair: Geisha - blonde
Skin: [:T:] Gina / fair :: 04 Galaxy with [:T:] Gina / fair / lips :: Ruin
Clothing: *RD* Watery Asian Infusion

Poses by:Diesel Works


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